Go Rogue Group for Women

The Go Rogue Group is a monthly facilitated group for women oil painters designed to: 

  • support us on our learning curve as oil painters and artists

  • create structures to think through our aspirations and set practical goals on the path to mastery

  • build knowledge and best practices in relevant skill domains

  • structure monthly challenges and between-meeting practice goals

  • be a cohort for peer critique and accountability

  • create a forum for painting at Rogue Begonia every month

  • feed us socially and build community!

This six-month program will be held in person at Rogue Begonia on the first Saturdays: December 7th, January 4th, February 1st, March 1st, April 5th, and May 3rd. We’ll meet from 9:00-11:00 a.m. for discussion and peer learning, then paint still-life in the studio from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Bring your own painting supplies and equipment. A light breakfast and lunch will be served.

The Go Rogue Group for women is limited to 7 participants. This class is currently at capacity. To be added to the waiting list for the next class, please email your interest to allison@roguebegonia.com.

$500 includes a light breakfast and lunch.